The process we do to recycle our clay!
Recycling clay is not the most glamorous aspect of pottery, but it’s necessary.
It can feel very rewarding and it’s better for the environment.
Getting in the habit of recycling behaviors for not only clay but other things as well
Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest, or extract new raw materials from the Earth.
That, in turn, reduces the harmful disruption and damage being done to the natural world, which means fewer forests cut down, rivers diverted, wild animals harmed or displaced, and less pollution.
Many potters approach how to recycle clay in their own individual way.
This is our process of recycleing clay in our studio
We start off by collecting our scraps in a bucket keeping it nice and wet As long as there is water over the layer of clay in your recycle bucket, the clay scraps will all break down and become thoroughly saturated.
This is our scrap bucket…
The result will be very wet clay (almost a slip consistency) usually needs to be dried out. We then Spread a thin layer (2-inches or so thick at most) of the clay onto Plaster bats to dry out.
We Flip the clay slab over periodically to help with drying and continue to do so until it is right for wedging
Then wedge the clay to help even out the moisture and to get out air pockets. We use a marble slab to wedge on.
The clay is then ready to use!